
  • Testbiotech is calling for an end to the cultivation of GE maize MON810

    Neue Daten über Auskreuzung von Transgenen In einem Beitrag zur Bayer-Hauptversammlung fordert Testbiotech, den Anbau von Gentechnik-Mais MON810 in der EU zu beenden. Der transgene Mais produziert ein insektengiftiges Protein. Jüngster Anlass ist eine Veröffentlichung von Versuchsergebnissen aus Spanien. Demnach kreuzte sich der transgene Mais dort mit Teosinte, einer verwandten, wilden Pflanzenart. Die Nachkommen dieser…


  • NGT plants: EFSA overlooked most powerful and risky applications

    Testbiotech warns EU Commission and Parliament of severe consequences 17 April 2024 / The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has overlooked extremely powerful and risky applications of new genetic engineering (NGTs) on plants. This is particularly worrying as EFSA is responsible for correctly informing the EU institutions about the risks associated with NGT plants. If…


  • Field trials with plants obtained from new genetic engineering

    First experimental release of NGT rice planned in Italy A first European field trial with NGT rice is supposed to be started in Italy this year. The plants are supposedly resistant to the rice blast fungus Pyricularia oryzae, which can lead to crop failure. Some other European countries such as Belgium, the UK, Sweden and…


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