EFSA opinion on the risks of genetically modified microorganisms
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a report on the use of genetically modified microorganisms in agriculture and food production. The report includes not only genetically engineered microbes, but also those obtained by other processes. According to the report, the existing test guidelines need to be significantly improved in order to keep pace…
First market approval for NGT plants in the EU
Corteva receives import authorisation for genetically engineered maize
Corteva (previously DowDupont/Pioneer) has received two new import approvals for transgenic maize. The plants produce insecticides and are resistant to a herbicide. CRISPR/Cas was used in one of the maize plants (DP915635) to insert additional genes into the genetic material. This is the first time the EU has approved plants developed with new genomic techniques…
NGT plants: EFSA fails to assess ANSES reports
Testbiotech: the authority is acting like a ‘service institution’ to promote political interests
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently published an opinion on a report drawn up by the French authority, ANSES, which deals with the future regulation of plants obtained from new genetic engineering (NGT). ANSES published two reports in which it questions whether the criteria proposed by the EU Commission for decision making whether NGT…