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- Publikationen
- Set limits to biotech!
- Genetic engineering is endangering the livelihoods of future generations
- Organisms
- “Monarch flies”
- “Super-muscly pigs”
- „Gene Drive“
- „Smartstax“ – Mais
- Agrofuels from CRISPR camelina
- Canola with bacterial genes
- CRISPR mustard as a salad
- CRISPR rice
- CRISPR Zebrafish
- CRISPR-GABA-tomatoes
- De novo domesticated tomato
- Der Mensch als Versuchstier
- Die “schnellste Gen-Tomate der Welt”
- Diseased CRISPR pufferfish
- Epigenetik kontra Gen-Schere
- Flexible safety barriers in the genome
- Gene Drive mosquitoes
- Genetically engineered corals
- Genetically engineered mushrooms
- Genetically engineered trees
- Gentechnik-„Doppelmuskeltiere“ für die Fleischindustrie
- Gentechnik-Kühe
- Gentechnik-Pappel
- Gentechnik-Pilze
- Gentechnik-Raps
- Giftsoja
- Golden Rice
- Honey bees
- Hornless GE cattle
- Klon-Bullen
- Leindotter
- Seabream with extra muscles
- Short-hair CRISPR cattle
- Wheat cut
- Wheat grains less able to germinate
- CRISPR poplar
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- Topics
- Biological diversity
- Genetic engineering of humans and medical applications
- Genetically engineered animals
- Genetically engineered micro-organisms and viruses
- Genetically engineered plants
- Independence of research and authorities
- New genetic engineering and ‘genome editing’
- Patents on life
- Synthetic biology
- Technology assessment
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- yos testseite englisch
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- Set limits to biotech!
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- yos testseite englisch