Risk assessment of GE plants in the EU: Taking a look at the ‘dark side of the moon’ Testbiotech Report, January 2021
RAGES subreport: Serious shortcomings in the European risk assessment of herbicide tolerant GE plants for human health
RAGES subreport: Insecticidal Bt crops. EFSA’s risk assessment approach for GM Bt plants fails by design
RAGES subreport: Health risk assessment of genetically engineered nutritionally-altered GM crops Helen Wallace, Christoph Then
RAGES subreport: Assessment of health risks associated with the consumption of products derived from genetically engineered plants with a combination of traits
RAGES subreport: Environmental risk assessment of genetically engineered crops that can persist and spontaneously propagate in the environment
Tabled overview on cross cutting gaps and deficiencies in current risk assessment as currently performed in the EU and Switzerland Annex II to the summary report of the results from the RAGES project